Bus Stop Script Pdf

  1. Bus Stop Script Pdf Printable
  2. Bus Stop Script Pdf
  3. Bus Stop Script Pdf
  4. Bus Stop Script Pdf Free
  • Bus Stop Script Resources: Bus Stop Script PDF at Script Fly ($) Bus Stop Transcript at scripts.com; Note: Multiple links are listed since (a) different versions exist and (b) many scripts posted become unavailable over time. Please notify me if you encounter a stale link. Other Links: Bus Stop ( tt0049038 ) at IMDb; Bus Stop ( 24010 ) at.
  • BUS STOP Two men stand at the open aired bus stop, each with an umbrella in one hand and a briefcase in the other. The man on the left is young, mid-thirties, clean shaven with pale blue eyes and broad shoulders. The man on the right is older, mid to late-sixties, with a big grey beard and brilliant, almost frightening, green eyes.
  • With your bus mechanic so he can fix the problem. F) For the Spring Brake test, release the spring brake and have the bus roll forward very slowly. Then apply the spring brake to make sure it will stop the bus and hold itself in place 4) It is important that you understand the basic functions of both hydraulic and air brake systems.

Pretend that you are a bus driver. It is your job to drive the Main Street Bus. One day you get on the bus and you start to count. At the first stop 5 people get on your bus. At the next stop 3 people get on and 2 people get of the bus. At the next stop 2 people get off the bus. At the next stop 3 people get on and 1 person gets off the bus.

- Are you ready, Virge?

- Anytime.

Turn him out!

- BO:

Go get him, Bo!

Make time, Bo! Get on him, Bo!

Turn him over, Bo!

Get him over! Get him over!

Good time! Good!


What was my time?

- Five-eight.

- Five...

That's good enough to win just about

every prize they got at that rodeo!

I'll give to you a paper of pins

And that's the way our love begins

If you will marry me, me, me

If you will marry me

I'll give to you a feathery bed

With downypillows for your head

If you will marry me, me, me

If you will marry me

But you don't want my paper or pins


And you don't want my feathery bed

You want my house and money instead

That is plain to see

Well, here they are

Take everything

My house, my money

My wedding ring

And in the bargain I'll throw in me

If you will marry me

Bo, when you was five,

I just throwed you on a horse, smack!

And there you was ridin'.

- Remember?

- Yup.

When you was eight,

I throwed you in the creek, splash!

And there you was swimmin'.

- Ain't that right?

- Sure, Virge.


Bo, you're 21 years old

and we're on our way to

a big city, Phoenix, Arizona.

It's time you met up with a gal.

A gal?

Oh, it ain't nothin' to be scared of.

In a way, women and swimmin'

is pretty much the same.

You got good reflexes, Bo.

You'll make out just fine.


So long, Bo.

Bring back some prize money.

Take it easy, Orville!

Two for Phoenix, Arizona.

We goin' down for the rodeo.

I figure I'm gonna win me just about

every prize they got down there.

Bus Stop Script Pdf Printable

Well, that's nice.

Now sit down someplace.

You got a long ride ahead of you.

Bo, the lady's hat!

- Oh, sorry, ma'am.

- Why don't you look where you're goin'?

It was an accident, sir.

He ain't used to travelin'.

- This is his first time off the ranch.

Bus Stop Script Pdf

- Virge, that's a lie!

That's a lie and you know it!

I been all the way to Helena.

That was when he was 12 years old

to have his tonsils out.

Well, that still counts!

Here, give me that.

Bus Stop Script Pdf


If you will marry me, me, me

If you will marry me

I'll give to you a petticoat red

All stitched around

with golden thread...


I've been thinkin'.

You know, about what you said.

What was that?

You know. About me findin' a gal.

Oh, what... What about it, Bo?

Bus stop script pdf template

I don't know anythingabout gals, Virge.

Nothin' at all.

Well, that's what I mean.

It's about time you learned.

It ain't nothin' to be scared of, Bo.

You know how much you like swimmin'

when you got used to it.

Besides, I know the idea

crossed your mind once or twice.

I seen you lookin' at them

pictures in Orville's magazines.

I'll give to you a feathery bed

With downypillows for your head...

Maybe I glanced at them pictures

a couple of times.

But if I do find me a gal,

it ain't gonna be one of them gals

from all those magazines.

I already decided.

I'm gonna get me a


- An angel?

- That's right.

I wouldn't set my sights

too high if I were you, Bo.

You just figure on pickin' out

some plain-lookin' little ol' gal,

with a cooperatin' nature

and a good personality.

Bus Stop Script Pdf

I mean, we gotta be realistic.

Bus Stop Script Pdf Free

What's some angelgonna want

with a cowhand like you?

What's that got to do with it?

That steer this mornin',

he didn't wanna get throwed, did he?

Well, I throwed him.

Some wild horse you're breakin',

he don't wanna get broke, do he?

But you don't let what he wants stop you.

What makes you think

a girl's any different?

This trip is gonna be mighty educational.

Kiss me quick and go, my honey

Kiss me quick and go to cheat sur...

Listen, Virge.

I'm gonna find me an angel.