Researching VIN Details
The VIN Decoder lookup is intended for use with vehicles manufactured since 1981. If your vehicle was made before 1981, the VIN will most likely contain 11 characters. How to Decode the Vehicle Identification Number. Wondering what all the characters in your vehicle's VIN stand for? Why the VIN Is Important. The VIN decoder is a software that decodes the auto data, encoded in factory. Nowadays, this decoding can offer complex information about your car. Using the VIN number, you can find out specific information starting with the date of fabrication, up to the salvage or disposal title release, because these data are stored in different registers. Oct 22, 2015 Antique and Classic Car VIN Decoder. Antique and classic cars come as gems for both collectors and passionate automotive enthusiasts. However, few of them pay attention to such important factor as classic car VIN check. It helps to identify original features and other necessary information related to production year, country. It's easiest to see your VIN from outside the car, looking in through the windshield,at the area where the hood ends and the windshield begins. Or, look for the VIN on the post of the driver's side door. You'll see this when you open the door and look around the area where the door latches to the car. If you can't find the VIN on the car, it. Model Year & Country Codes. As shown above, the 10th character of the VIN indicates its model year. A: 1980 or 2010. B: 1981 or 2011. C: 1982 or 2012. D: 1983 or 2013. E: 1984 or 2014. F: 1985 or 2015. G: 1986 or 2016.
Vehicle Origin
Drive Train

Safety Features

Vehicle Recalls
Decoded VIN:
Each Vehicle History Report checks for:
- Accidents
- Maintenance
- Title History
- Odometer Record
- Accident Records
- Liens / Loans
- Impounds
- Thefts
- Soles History
Active Recalls for your
Recalls reported to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
If you're like most people, you probably think a vehicle identification number (VIN) is just a series of random characters. Actually, each character in this highly structured code has its own meaning. In fact, deciphering these codes is a hobby for some car enthusiasts, including collectors who want to own one of the first or last cars to come off an assembly line.
When you're considering purchasing a pre-owned vehicle, it's always a good idea to obtain a vehicle history report (VHR) or VIN check. Knowing how to read the VIN could help you make an informed decision before you buy.
Car Vin Decoder Free
Decoding a Sample VIN

The infographic below provides a simplified look at a sample VIN. Keep in mind that vehicles manufactured before 1981 might have fewer characters than today's standard VIN of 17 characters.
Model Year & Country Codes
As shown above, the 10th character of the VIN indicates its model year.
- A: 1980 or 2010
- B: 1981 or 2011
- C: 1982 or 2012
- D: 1983 or 2013
- E: 1984 or 2014
- F: 1985 or 2015
- G: 1986 or 2016
- H: 1987 or 2017
- J: 1988 or 2018
- K: 1989 or 2019
- L: 1990 or 2020
- M: 1991
- N: 1992
- P: 1993
- R: 1994
- S: 1995
- T: 1996
- V: 1997
- W: 1998
- X: 1999
- Y: 2000
- 1: 2001
- 2: 2002
- 3: 2003
- 4: 2004
- 5: 2005
- 6: 2006
- 7: 2007
- 8: 2008
- 9: 2009
Country of Origin Character Codes
Carvin Decoder Free

The 1st character in a car's vehicle identification number indicates the country in which it was manufactured.
Some of the country codes include:
- 1, 4, 5: United States
- 2: Canada
- 3A-37: Mexico
- J: Japan
- VF-VR: France
- 9: Brazil
- WA-W0: West Germany
- S: Great Britain