My god ye can be north of the board please protect the man kill the over Chuck Norris kill them what is go on guys my name is alpha and this, ultimate epic battle simulator a battle simulator unlike in before it that’s right can’t you tell by this has been music that’s playing in the background as. Dramatic walk off the screen dramatically. Industry is ultimately an epic and I’m almost any breakage ER I get a sleepy boy all right anyway so, this is ultimate epic battle simulator download the game that almost every single youtuber that I know has been waiting for, for a very long time guys this is like the other battle simulator games except the battles are gigantic there’s huge all right I’m super excited to play. It it just came out today I’m pretty positive it’s an alpha version 0.1 so it’s it’s pretty new I guess. Now without any further ado let’s start game I’m kind of excited I don’t know what’s going on here math world of. Thieves there’s one map rainy I like that weather rainy weather makes me happy time of, day 7am is way too early let’s do let’s do 1pm about that a good relaxed hour it’ll let the odors warm up a bit and also if. You guys end up enjoying this and want. To see more leave a like down below if we can get let’s say four thousand likes I will do another episode of this very soon okay and also check. Out the discord me and a bunch of other youtubers have been talking to a bunch, of fancy stuff tastes awesome okay let’s go ahead and set up the map here unit category let’s do medieval heavy nights 250 of them. Okay that’s 250 medieval nice right here can I rotate them. I don’t know how to rotate them that’s alright that’s alright tho huldu 250 medieval knights and 01 golden Knight 101 golden like to, take on okay at a sort of play I just want to see. What’s going on oh my god that is insane that looks incredible if it looks anything like this in game I’m going to myself and probably pass away on.
Camera not to mention this epic music I like, the music it’s gone which is creature oh it’s the golden night alone her stage star battle good luck my friend good luck golden Knight boy look, at him he’s running towards thee oh no 250, of these silver bastards so it’s acting I wonder how many he’s going to be able to kill probably none or maybe some I don’t know they say in stuff there look they’d completely encircled him somehow, he’s still alive they sound more like pirates. The night team heavy nice and that was that was not very epic he killed one guy they were kind of evenly matched I, guess alright let’s try something else I want to see if I can do more Golden Knights will do 250 golden knights versus 250 heavy nights whatever they, are so we’ll see who will win in this battle and let’s do it in an area, that’s not so mountainous and woodsy will do it down here in this little river bottom oh no wait I like it up here on. The step there we go start battle seriously though most of the youtubers that I know have been, waiting for a really long time to play, this game and some people have even been making videos of the the trailer for it which is all right okay where the minute there’s somewhere around here oh yeah they. Are oh my god now free download game. I wonder who’s going to win is it going to be the golden boys there is it going to be the silver boys got their backs turn look at them all. There’s three in their stores around what’s the point of that is. How we warm up on hold on to you Jesus Christ sorry you mean bastard start the battle I hope you all die after that sassy attitude you. Just gave me for all something this is an epic battle here well. Lots of guys are dying so far not a single golden Knight has passed on the heavy nights are dying left and right look at all, their dead corpses down here come on your birthday okay wonderfully I think it’s safe to say. That the the golden guys are winning this for sure right click to possess I, can possess someone no way I can fight somebody that’s cool oh man you can actually play as people holy I’m a golden aight i’ll keep you gold nights too.

Download Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator v1.3 RELOADED Free SKIDROW CODEX – ONE FTP LINK – TORRENT. Hello skidrow and pc game fans, today Wednesday, 30 December 2020 07:14:33 AM skidrow codex reloaded will share free pc games from “PC GAMES” entitled “Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator v1.3 RELOADED” which can be downloaded via torrent or very fast file hosting. Let’s Play UEBS Game. Will the chicken be Chuck Norris's kryptonite here we go here we go I'll be honorable morning my name is Finn pyre we're. Playing ultimate epic battle simulator that's a mouthful who is this game though is a lot like abs but it's a little. Bit more realistic and you can do like massive battles like 10,000 dudes versus.
Curious hey what if i can go jump up i wonder if i can go jump off this cliff over here will I die perhaps, I hope so and see you should oh oh I broke is his spine and hat, blood came out let’s try some more battles this. Game has me acting like a two-year-old a two-year-old 45 year old probably more like how old are they when they just can’t stop talking all right let’s try. Another battle here will do i’m done doing the nights i don’t want to chunk Norris ok we’re not done doing the night which is. Your chunk Norris Chuck Norris is badass so let’s let’s do 250 chunk Norris’s versus one whole army of two hundred, and fifty US soldiers hell yeah I wonder if chunk Norris can. Take on guns hopefully chunk Norris has guns I don’t really know much about chunk Norris I know he has his trademark action jeans Chuck Norris. Action jeans okay where’s Chuck Norris I’m getting very impatient. Which one’s jumping I think this is chuck norris down here nope those are out World War two guys this is Cheung Fong oh my god Chuck Norris is, awesome-looking jr. him oh wow two guns work and stuff look at all the blood Chuck Norris, is getting shot like crazy got a single chub yours is passed on yet, oh my god this is so epic the greatest man of all time chunk Norris vs an army of two hundred and fifty American soldiers all right we got. To try that on a gigantic scale I wonder how big I can make my, armies can I do 200,000 people I wouldn’t imagine that that’s an option but we’ll, try that let’s see em let’s do ten ten thousand oh my god it actually works oh look how big the map is too that’s pretty cool to the battle over.
Here in this little basin how about that and I want to, have more World War two units can I choose anything I can’t use anything else let’s try.
Chunk Norris vs some chickens how about that how about fifty fifty thousand chickens it’s something a good idea there we go guys ten thousand. Chunk Norris vs 50 styles and chickens let’s try this battle Steph and chicken from popeyes. Loading units Oh oh my god that is amazing it’s making human noises look guys fifty, thousand chickens I’ve never seen fifty thousand chickens before it’s surprisingly not laggy to which is crazy fifty thousand. Chicken sounds like a vast army of men this game is awesome I don’t even know what to say oh yeah thousand chunk Norris it’s a carpet of chuck norris k to start to battle I. Will say one thing I must commend their incredible ability to stay in formation with that gigantic intimidating army of. Chickens in front of them okay I gotta speed up time you can speed up time to uh. Two times I think there we go and then enable it oh oh it’s not working really yeah just a sound sped up. It’s this battle going to work at. All I feel like this isn’t going to work ten thousand chunk norris’s versus fifty thousand chickens may not have, been a good idea are they exploding is chunk Norris popping those chicken I think Chuck Norris is annihilating the chickens to the point of vaporization you’re eating your state of matter. He’s turning them from solids into, gases chunk Norris brand chicken gasps look at the giant white spots on the ground okay I’m not going to let this whole battle play out because that’s, way too laggy but still it’s the premise that is amazing and so, incredibly respectable why has in a game like this been made congratulations man who does this game, you are an ultimate epic hero in my book second to none too old chunk Norris although I bet you can’t pop a chicken like old, chunk in Kenya bitch all right let’s do some evil units how about that zombies.
Will the chicken be Chuck Norris's kryptonite here we go here we go I'll be honorable morning my name is Finn pyre we're. Playing ultimate epic battle simulator that's a mouthful who is this game though is a lot like abs but it's a little. Bit more realistic and you can do like massive battles like 10,000 dudes versus 10,000 other dudes even bigger you'll see youtubers like right now doing a hundred thousand verses. 100,000 going absolutely crazy I thought though me you've got a shrine we'll give that a try see if we can set my computer on fire, but I thought would slow like one against one, you can see here I was testing it out I was doing like. A hundred thousand chickens versus a thousand penguins so this is basically what this looks like we have a, thousand penguins vs a thousand chickens look at this it's like the big giant battle for penguin castle so this is going to be alright let's just let's just run this one just reach if you, guys can see what this is about see what this looks like. All of them charging it like a big giant epic battle these guys are just back, here like hey hey I want some chicken too where's my chicken it reminds me of like the march of the penguins documentary it's, started bloody anyway I thought in this video we try answer you know if you're different panels well test, it out but i'd like to try like 1v1 you know what I mean that we can try and find out what plates are strongest of the different units that we have, and this battles almost over these penguins, just dominating these chickens there's about a hundred chickens remaining I'm sorry chicken you guys have gone pretty cool battle knife I like this battle man these penguins the crazy BAM battle over. Okay so, let's try this let's just I just want to show you guys in case you haven't seen it, already what a giant battle looks like we can go like we can go like ancient Greece say no let's go for 20,000 okay 20,000 quite a big on the map as you can see look at, their this is 20,000 units and this is I mean the frame rates taken a little bit of, a hit it feels like it's maybe at about 20 or 15 or 20 but really when you think about it that's, pretty impressive for these guys there's 20,000 there this is epic versus leaves dried what are these two, of these are ancient Greece. I don't know I can't tell guys are so tough I like your shield though some good shields good on you Greg, I'm proud of your Greg and your thoughts exactly the same as correct before you see stephen gregg these guys buddies for life is, it this incredible like go back a few years and this was the kind of thing that they were using in films you know what i mean like big cgi battles playing out, like this this. Is awesome please join chopping each other up know what you can do with the shield I'll that guy just got smacked hard core I love the definition between like the blue army and like the reddish, and greenie for the army going on over. Here I call them greenie come on guys oh ah you can get right down into the cottage is that Steve Cruz Etsy or, is that Steve or greg i can remember what their names were oh wow, okay so there's still 16,000 of the Romans remaining feet but that the nights are definitely winning though so it's this right. There's no way that the Romans are going to win because I don't think there's anything that's going to make them tips of scale, you know what I mean but I kind of want like a big you, know like mythical sort of troll if I'm going to come out through some boulders punch some guys in the face maybe chew on a couple of. Them it's gotta be cool alright i'm just going to end this because it go take a long time okay so let's start trying some 1v.
Games Like Uebs
One stuff all right let's go for medieval vert golden Knight hahaha chunk Norris boobies chunk Norris all right let's. Try this ghola night let's just go for. One-on-one these guys down here they're just going to battle it out just in the field definitely going to do here we go who's going to win between a heavy, night and a golden. Nice loading units shouldn't take 101 unit where are they oh it's really hard to see here they are look at this guy look at it he's disguised pumped you can tell by the way he's wagging. His sword you waggle that you waggle it good this guy is also waggling this guy's like pimped out. Like Kanye West aren't you alright cool the. Stewart guys that's fine let's do it battle who's gonna win argh in the gold mines gonna win cuz he's a hero I'll just smack him in the knee in the, face these guys are brutal dumb, golden Knight is victorious good on your chance whoever wins we then put that character up against something else that's the way we're gonna do this so when it plays on that's what this, is ah here he is here's, chunk Norris hahaha this guy he's so tough so mean and I could just stop selected him so it's, not radioactive yellow that'd be awesome would you got like grenades or something we don't you back probably got like 50 knives in there look at that. Beard look at that beard oh he didn't look like a halo when you're sort of stand, like this actually glows like face I can see your side ahead hmm ladies teeth okay let's do this I'm surprised the other guy's not dead already just by looking at chuck norris look at. Him, because wrecked I have a funny feeling that chunk Norris is just going to dominate everybody okay this one we have chunk Norris or Chuck Norris let's just call it Chuck Norris oh yeah you've. Got a nice on his arms he's all glistening wet. Isn't he gorgeous hahaha Ruby shiny face in Greece we have a world war two.
Games That Are Like Uebs
Soldier you gotta be actually going to shoot some dude you gonna try and shoot him back it looks mad it looks so mad I can see the eyeballs I through this that's the bit gross you got, teeth bro you got any teeth inside that head I don't think it does okay let's start this, let's see he's going to try and shoot him yeah sure did you hear what he said there's us and, then there's a terrorist Chuck Norris his snap, kick that god of death we have chuck norris our undefeated champion versus a zombie so the real question is can chuck norris kill a zombie I mean to kill a zombie all he. Has to do is to take out the brain right Hey Hey look at, you it was pretty angry it looks like is green like he's made of boogers let's let's start this battle let's see what happens come. On technically you can't, kill a zombie without Chuck Norris vs and a Roman soldier this video is basically turning into Chuck Norris vs everybody that's all right Chuck Norris vs a Spartan here we go here we all.
Games Like Uebs
He gotta step this looks a little. Bit more even this is Chuck Norris vs wild man this is like ancient Greece wild man look. At this guy this guy's Rick he has a mace thing and he has is an amazing morning stuck over the call and an axe does, this no way no way Chuck Norris is going down he's going down let's do this come on. Wild guy whatever you call killing well I'd say that the walk is gonna win but no we can see what happens we know that Chuck Norris is going, to win this one surely this will be easy oh yeah look at this give him like a 12. Anything oh my god what is this guy he's got a pig face of everything he's wearing. The skull of one of these enemies you've got this big chain thing hello this year look at a shield nobody can, mess with this guy what do you got Chuck nurse what do you got buddy look at your determination on his face if you look a.
Bit a little bit worried he, does look kind of worried okay has chuck norris finally met his match are you serious this was bound to happen but we just have to test it right. Will the chicken be Chuck Norris's kryptonite here we go here we go his kicked, him he exploded this is the last one it's the chickens arctic nemesis it's. The penguin here we go come on come on Franklin killin how top of these penguins and stay just punch that he pushed that penguin so hard. In the face Chuck Norris has murdered everybody probably as expected I mean it is Chuck Norris so we need to put Chuck Norris up, against Chuck Norris all right guys here we go Chuck Norris vs chuck norris what's going to happen hahahaha airhead Chuck Norris kilifi Chuck Norris. Per se. But if any time space continuum failed here it is guys this is Chuck Norris vs 100,000 of the giant ogre's look at them this game is. Like killing my pc right now really is let's give her my pc, imagine brand health kick but look at the mall they're literally everywhere suffer in the man but they're everywhere Chuck Norris is just going into the.
Crown what's happening here Chuck Norris has killed a bunch already and he's just still going they just threw gone there's no sign of death yet I doubt he can be, beaten where is. Chuck nurse where is he it's gotta be in here somewhere right I can't see him with my Chuck Norris I've spent the game up a little bit just to sort of make that I guess the performance seemed, a, little bit quicker but it looks like Chuck Norris is just still dominating them getting closer to 100 now I'm going to lean the video here I'm going. To let Chuck nourishes go to town 7cm any ID to get through I'd, say it's going to be here awhile though there's a lot of these guys if you have any suggestions for any battles and things, like that let me know in the comments below what I'd like you to do is give them like you know like to tell but you tell me. What kind of you Lucien want me to put in but then you'd like to battle a name as well and we'll try and, do it in like a future video but they've, always forcing this video if you liked it give it some unease one and i'll see you guys next time .