Gwent Card Game

2021-07-06 - Card DB update (Balance, Sunset Wanderers) 2021-06-09 - PoP Premiums (say thank you to Euerfeldi) 2021-06-08 - Card DB update (Price of Power). Gwent clearly learns from other digital collectible card games that have carved their niche out of the market, but its play style offers up an entirely different type of challenge. It's one that requires some investment, and hard decisions on which Faction you'd like to invest in, but Gwent also respects your time by rewarding you for nearly. GWENT is a card game of choices and consequences, where skill, not luck, is your greatest weapon. Pick a faction, build an army, and wage war against other players across multiple game modes. With hundreds of cards to collect — charismatic heroes, mighty spells and special abilities — new strategies are always a thought away. Join in The Witcher universe’s favorite card game — available for free! Blending the CCG and TCG genres, GWENT sees you clash in fast-paced online PvP duels that combine bluffing, on-the-fly decision making and careful deck construction. Collect and command Geralt, Yennefer and other iconic Witcher-world heroes.

nightcruising 430
Position: 4,336


Northern Realms
Current Ranked Season
Overall2,921 MMR43 matches
Wins27 matches
Losses15 matches
Draws1 matches
Skellige19 matches
Syndicate12 matches
Scoia'tael6 matches
Monsters4 matches
Nilfgaard2 matches
Northern Realms0 matches
See full Pro Rank stats at Gwent Masters »

Cards Collection

  • Base set progress

Gwent Card Game App

1,338 / 1,391
Including faction cards
176 / 179
173 / 179
174 / 177
176 / 177
179 / 179
247 / 285

Gwent Card Game Real

213 / 215