Go to the following location: C:ProgramDataAdobeSetup
Double-click the {GUID} folder to open, where {GUID} is a combination of alphanumerics as shown in the screenshot below.
Run the AcroRead.msi program to repair the installation - double-click the file to start the installer. Follow onscreen instructions to finish the repair.
Run the AdbeRdrUpd[update-number].msp or AdbeRdrDCUpd[update-number].msp update program which has failed - double-click the file to start the update. Follow onscreen instructions to finish the update.
Uninstall your Reader and Acrobat:
- Press Windows + R keys to open the Run command dialog box.
- Enter appwiz.cpl in the Open field, and then click OK. The Program and Features window is displayed.
- From the list of installed programs, choose Adobe Acrobat DC or XI, and then click Uninstall. Follow onscreen instructions to complete the uninstallation.
- From the list of installed programs, choose Adobe Acrobat Reader DC or XI, and then click Uninstall. Follow onscreen instructions to complete the uninstallation.
Download and install Acrobat:
- Visit the Download Pro or Standard versions of Acrobat page, download your version of Acrobat, and then double-click the downloaded file to begin the installation. Follow onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
Download and install Reader from http://get.adobe.com/reader/.

As stated in the Adobe Support Lifecycle Policy, Adobe provides five years of product support, starting from the general availability date of Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat. In line with this policy, support for Adobe Acrobat 11.x and Adobe Reader 11.x ends on October 15, 2017.
Is Adobe Acrobat Xi Pro Still Available
Acrobat XI comes in two commercial versions, Acrobat XI Pro ($449, upgrade $199) and Acrobat XI Standard ($299, upgrade $139). ProCADIS guarantee original Acrobat XI Pro with legally valid licensing. We gives you the same quality as the Adobe, including update and downgrade rights. Adobe XI Pro crashing over and over. One of my users who uses Adobe pro 11 came to me today and stated that the program crashes repeatedly. I reinstalled this for her and it is still happening. It is a Windows 10 machine, it is Version 11.0.23, I checked for updates but none were found.
End of support means that Adobe no longer provides technical support, including product and/or security updates, for all derivatives of a product or product version (localized versions, minor upgrades, operating systems, dot and double-dot releases, and connector products).
Adobe strongly recommends that you update to the latest versions of Adobe Acrobat DC and Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. By updating installations to the latest versions, you benefit from the latest functional enhancements and improved security measures.

Subscription plans are the best way to take advantage of everything Acrobat DC has to offer. New annual and month-to-month subscription plans make Acrobat DC more affordable than ever, while also giving you access to premium Adobe Document Cloud services. If you own Acrobat Pro XI – or Acrobat Standard XI – you also qualify for a reduced price when purchasing a perpetual (one-time) license. A one-time purchase includes desktop software and lets you work with free Adobe Document Cloud services only.
Is Adobe Acrobat Xi Pro Free
See the Acrobat DC product comparison to review subscription and one-time purchase options. You can also view the Acrobat DC version comparison to understand how Acrobat DC differs from previous versions.