Cisco 3550 Switch Ios

2x Cisco Catalyst 2950 switch (or Cisco Catalyst 2960) 1x Cisco Catalyst 3550 switch (or Cisco Catalyst 3560 or 3750) 3x Cisco 1841 router; This is a cost effective lab that allows you to practice everything. I hope this lesson has helped to understand the different options that we have to build a CCNA routing & switching lab.

Tired of waiting for those ####### every time you turn on your devices? When you see those, it means that the Cisco IOS is uncompressing itself. If you want to save a bit of time when booting your routers up, you can decompress the image on your computer then send it to your routers. Set the devices to boot from the new, uncompressed images, and they’ll boot up quite a lot faster! You’ll have to check that the device has enough room to store the uncompressed image though. My switches need new images put on them so I’ll go through the recovery procedure on them, but they can’t fit the uncompressed images on them unfortunately!

Mar 01, 1993 On your Cisco 2900 or 3550 switch you will be at the following prompt: switch: type in the following command (assuming this is the name of the Cisco IOS you have loaded on your computer that you are using hyperterminal from) switch: copy xmodem: flash:c3550-ipservicesk9-mz.122-25.see.bin. In hyperterminal, it will start to say. Buy/Sell Cisco 3550 Equipment: Vibrant buys and sells new and used Cisco 3550 Series Switches at deep discounts off of Cisco's list price. If you have questions about which 3550 switch model to choose, or have bulk/special pricing requests, please Request a Quote or call our networking team at 888-443-8606.

I’ll be using XMODEM to send the new images over to my switches using SecureCRT. As far as I know, Putty doesn’t support XMODEM so you’ll need to use a terminal emulator that does – SecureCRT and TeraTerm both do. Normally you could use TFTP from privileged mode, but my switch currently has no IOS image on it so I’ll be using XMODEM instead. This is usually used when a device has a corrupt IOS image.

To upgrade the IOS we need to boot into Switch ROM mode. To do this:

  • Open a console session with the switch to ensure you can access it
  • Unplug the switch
  • Hold down the Mode button on the front of the switch
  • Reconnect the switch to the mains
  • Let go of the Mode button once the switch says that the flash initialization has been interrupted

This should come up in the console session:

The password-recovery mechanism is enabled.
Initializing Flash…
flashfs[0]: filesystem check interrupted!
…done Initializing Flash.
Boot Sector Filesystem (bs:) installed, fsid: 3

The system has been interrupted, or encountered an error
during initializion of the flash filesystem. The following
commands will initialize the flash filesystem, and finish
loading the operating system software:


Initialize and format the flash:

switch: flash_init
Initializing Flash…
flashfs[0]: 2 files, 1 directories
flashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
flashfs[0]: Total bytes: 15998976
flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 2048
flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 15996928
flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 8 seconds.
…done Initializing Flash.
switch: format flash:
Are you sure you want to format “flash:” (all data will be lost) (y/n)?y
flashfs[0]: 0 files, 1 directories
flashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
flashfs[0]: Total bytes: 15998976
flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 1024
flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 15997952
flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 9 seconds.
Filesystem “flash:” formatted

Set the BAUD rate on the console line to increase the speed at which the image will transfer (the BAUD command is case sensitive):

Once we do that we’ll need to reconnect the console session, changing the BAUD rate from the default of 9600 to 115200 on the terminal program.

Tell the switch to use XMODEM to copy the file over:

switch: copy xmodem: flash:c3550-ipservices-mz.122-44.SE6.bin
Begin the Xmodem or Xmodem-1K transfer now…

Then tell SecureCRT or whatever you’re using to send the file via XMODEM. The transfer should then start and you should then see something like this:

Starting xmodem transfer. Press Ctrl+C to cancel.
1% 7936 KB 6 KB/s 00:20:43 0 Errors

Once it’s finished this will come up, and we can tell it which image to boot from, and then tell it to boot:

See Full List On


















File “xmodem:” successfully copied to “flash:c3550-ipservices-mz.122-44.SE6.bin”
switch: set boot flash:c3550-ipservices-mz.122-44.SE6.bin
switch: boot

After that it should boot up just fine with the new image!

Real World Application

This lab will help you will identify the Cisco Internetwork Operating System (Cisco IOS) Running on a Cisco Device. Knowing what Cisco IOS Version and Feature Set is running on your Cisco devices is crucial to planning and deploying required features. Think of Feature Sets as Windows Vista Distributions, you have Basic, Home Edition, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate and Enterprise. In Cisco IOS, we have similar distributions called “Feature Sets” that dictate which features will be available for you to configure. Each feature set have different prices. Some feature sets contain the same features as others; this will be discussed later in the lab.

Lab Prerequisites

  • Complete Lab 1.2 before attempting this lab or have a current Cisco console session open to your Cisco device.

Lab Objectives

  • Identify what IOS Version and Features Set your Cisco device is currently running.

Lab Instruction

There are several ways to identify which Cisco IOS your Cisco device is running. First way being to examine the boot dispatch, this will display the image name that is loaded from flash which in return can be used to identify the IOS Version and Feature Set of the image.

Provided below is an example of the required dispatch from the boot process which can be used to identify which IOS Version and Feature Sets the router is currently loading.

Turn your attention to line 2 where you see C3620-IK9O3S7-M; this displays the features that are included in the image and the loading type (which will be discussed later) for the image that is currently be loaded by the Router. Following the feature set being loaded you can also see the Version of the IOS. As shown in this example, the router is currently booting IOS Version 12.3(25)

The most common way of obtaining IOS identification information is by using the show version command. This command shows various information pertaining to the Cisco IOS Version and Feature Set as well as hardware information about the router.

The textbox below shows the dispatch of the show version command.

As you can see lines 2, 3 & 4 are identical to previously discussed boot dispatch information. However take look at line 13 and you’ll see System image file is “flash:c3620-ik9o3s7-mz.123-25.bin” This is the actual image file name that is currently running on the router. This image name is very helpful in identifying the IOS Version and Feature set.


Prior to Cisco IOS Version 12.4, Cisco had a very complex naming convention for their Feature Sets. This naming convention consisted of letters identifying certain features in the image.

Cisco 3550 Switch Ios

Below is a chart comprised of common pre-standing naming convention identification letters;

Image LetterFeature Set
YIP on 1700 Series Platforms
SIP Plus
S6IP Plus – No ATM
S7IP Plus – No Voice
OIOS Firewall/Intrusion Detection
K856Bit DES Encryption (Weak Cryptography)
K93DES/AES Encryption (Strong Cryptography)
GServices Selection Gateway (SSG)
CRemote Access Server or Packet Data Serving Node (PDSN)
BApple Talk
UUnlawful Intercept
PService Provider
TelcoTelecommunications Feature Set
BootBoot Image (Used on high end routers/switches)

Now let’s break down the naming convention of the image name for our previous image; flash:c3620-ik9o3s7-mz.123-25.bin;

Now let’s break down the Features included with this image as shown below;

i = IP
k9 = Strong Cryptography (3DES / AES)
o3 = IOS Firewall/Intrusion Detection
s7 = Plus (7 = No Voice)

Official Image Name: Cisco 3620 12.3(25) IP/FW/IDS PLUS 3DES IPSEC NO VOICE

Many images differ in how they load and their compression. As these features are also identified in the image name below, the following chart will identify execution types and compression formats.

Image LetterIOS Boot Location
fThe image executes from Flash memory.
mThe image executes from RAM.
rThe image executes from ROM
lThe image is relocatable.
zThe image is compressed using ZIP format.
xThe image is compressed using MZIP format.
wThe image is compressed using STAC format.

The example 3620 image used in this lab executes from RAM and uses ZIP compression.

As of 2006, Cisco has introduced a new naming convention for feature sets. This new naming convention started in 12.3 and was implemented as the feature set naming standard in 12.4

Below is a feature tree comprised of the new naming convention used for Cisco router images 12.3T and greater;

You can see that IP Base is the basic image, from this image it branches off into IP Voice, Advanced Security or Enterprise Base.


IP Voice also has an upgrade to Service Provider Services, which includes SP Services Features, IP Voice Features and IP Base features.

Only “Advanced” Images contain Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Cryptography

Cisco 3650 Switch Ios Update Procedures

The following categories summarize the new naming convention:

Feature SetDescription
BaseEntry level image (IP Base, Enterprise Base)
Servicesaddition of IP Telephony Service, MPLS, Voice over IP, Voice over Frame Relay and ATM (Included in SP Services, Enterprise Services)
AdvancedAddition of VPN, Cisco IOS Firewall, 3DES encryption, SSH, Cisco IOS IPSec and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) (Advanced Security, Advanced IP Services)
EnterpriseAddition of multi-protocols, including IBM, IPX, AppleTalk (Enterprise Base, Enterprise Services)

All Switches Products - Cisco

Just like the new naming convention for Cisco Router IOS, Cisco has given the Switch IOS a new naming convention as well. This naming convention is very similar to the router IOS naming convention. Shown below is a feature tree of the new switch IOS naming convention;

Below are some examples of images using the new Cisco naming convention;

Cisco 3550 Switch Ios Image Download For Gns3

Example images for a Cisco 2800 Series Router:


Example Images for a Cisco Catalyst 3750 Series Switch:


IP Base; formally known as Standard Multilayer Image (SMI) on Cisco Catalyst 3550 Series switches includes advanced quality of service, rate limiting, access control lists (ACL’s) and basic static and RIP routing functionality.

IP Services; formally known as Enhanced Multilayer Image (EMI) on Cisco Catalyst 3550 Series Switches has a more feature rich set of enterprise-class routing functionality as well as advanced hardware-based IP Unicast and IP Multicast routing, policy based routing (PBR).

Advanced IP Services is not available as a pre-installed license but is available as an upgrade license. This feature set includes IPv6 routing and IPv6 ACL support.

LAN Product Support

Enterprise Services & Advanced Enterprise Services are the cream of the crop. The images includes all features available to the platform; also these license(s) are the most expensive. These license(s) are only supported on various modular switches such as the Catalyst 4500, 4900, 6500 and others.

Below are a few examples of switch models you can purchase and the software license that’s bundled with the platform(s).

C3560-24PS-S = Cisco 3560 Series 24 Ports PoE with Standard Image (IP Base)
C3750-48TS-E = Cisco 3750 Series 48 Port Non-PoE with Enhanced Image (IP Services)

The Cisco Catalyst 2960 Series has a different license model due to the switch being strictly layer 2. The Catalyst 2960 Series license model is similar to the Catalyst 2950 Series which includes two separate feature sets, Standard Image and Enhanced Image however, the new feature sets are called LAN LITE & LAN BASE. These new feature sets do have a significant difference including Quality of Services (QoS), Gigabit Ethernet Support, RPS, Rapid Spanning Tree, Link State Tracking, 802.1x enhancements, DHCP Snooping and many more features which can be found on the Cisco website.

Cisco IOS 15.0 was released October 1st 2009 and with this new mainline IOS release, we’ll see the use of the Universal Image. The feature sets have not changed but now with the use of these new universal images, image feature sets have to be licensed using a license file stored in NVRAM. Upon boot, the IOS looks at this license file and activates the features specified in the license; that of which you’ve purchased.

Each license file is specific to each platform serial number so therefore license files will not be swappable. No doubt with all the Cisco IOS piracy that occurs in the Cisco networking world today, Cisco systems is losing millions if not billions in license profit.

The next generation Integrated Services Routers which include the 1900 Series, 2900 Series and 3900 Series will use a single universal image file and require feature sets to be licensed. As part of the license management suite, Cisco offers a license management server as well as an IOS feature that can automatically download the license file from Cisco if your router is able to access the internet.

Cisco also utilized this technology with the 3560E and 3750E Switches. Example IOS IMAGE names shown below;

