Microsoft Remote Desktop Delete User Account

For every successful connection, the RDP client stores the connection details for the machine that you have connected to. This is often convenient, but if you are on a public machine, it can expose sensitive security details. The RDP client does not give any way to clear the cached connection history.

1 Press the Win + R keys to open Run, type mstsc into Run, and click/tap on OK to open the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) tool. A) Right click on the RDC icon on your taskbar to open its jumplist. B) If the computer (ex: 'brink-laptop') you want to remove is pinned to the RDC jumplist, then Unpin from this list. (see screenshot below) C) In.

You can clear the RDP Cache history in a couple of ways:

Microsoft Remote Desktop Delete User Account
  • On Windows workstations and servers, especially on RDS (Remote Desktop Services) servers, there is a regular need to remove old (unused) user profiles from C: Users. The main problem of any Remote Desktop server is the constant growth the size of user profile directories on a local drive.
  • Select Start Settings Accounts Other users. Select the person's name or email address, then select Remove. Read the disclosure and select Delete account and data. Note that this will not delete the person's Microsoft account, but it will remove their sign-in info and account data from your PC. Add work or school accounts to your PC.

Microsoft Remote Desktop Delete User Account Yahoo

Clear the RDP Cache from the registry using regedit

  1. Open regedit.exe and navigate to:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftTerminal Server Client
  2. There are two registry keys here that need to be cleared:
    • Default – Has the history of the last 10 RDP Connections.
    • Servers – Contains a list of all the Remote Desktop connections that have ever been established from this machine.
  3. Expand the Default Key which will contain the most recently used connections. You can delete every entry or select which ones you want to remove:
  4. Select the entries that you want to remove, right click and click delete:
  5. Now expand the Servers key, this contains the details of all the RDP connections that have ever been made from this machine, including the username used to connect:
  6. There may be many entries, it is easier to delete the entire servers key, then recreate it.
  7. Finally, delete the default.rdp file found in your homepath. This is a hidden file and will not show or delete by default. You have to supply an extra switch to the delete command:

Clear the RDP Cache using a batch file or command line

Microsoft Remote Desktop Delete User Account In Windows 7

A far quicker way to clear the RDP cache is to use the following commands: